Make Veggies the Main Course

Asparagus/ 1 Cup/ 33.5 Calories Cherry Tomatoes/ 1 Cup/ 27 Calories Sweet Potatoes with Cinnamon/ 1/2 a cup/ 78 Calories 1 Egg / 72 Calories 1 Egg White/ 12 Calories Spray Olive Oil/ 24 calories Balsamic Vinegar/ 1 tbsp/ 10 calories Olive Oil/ 1 tbsp/ 120 calories...

Look great at any size!

Doing some shopping for Fitness Apparel? Look great at any size! I remember when I used to wear my baggy cotton T-Shirt to exercise thinking it was covering up my body.  Investing in fitness attire seemed to be silly — after all I was planning on getting smaller and I...